
What a year it has been. I hope you can forgive us for not updating the news section while we all negotiate our way through Covid-19. We fly birds in the countryside. That’s something that we have been able to continue unabated. We do so, here and...

Please note, the UK as a whole, has seen a decline in rabbit numbers by 60% since 1992, and in Scotland, rabbit numbers are down by 80% since 1995. Vast areas have seen the entire eradication of rabbits‎ where once they were at huge population levels. This...

As you all know, we strive to breed all birds of prey here in full daylight seclusion aviaries, meaning that babies are reared by their own parents, with no human intervention, leading to naturally behaved, and well rounded youngsters for training. There is very little data...

Meet Womble and Clanger! These are the latest arrivals to our exciting summer team. They are White Faced Scops Owls, currently 4 1/2 weeks old. These owls, believe it or not are almost fully grown. They top out at around 6 to 7oz in weight, and less...

Ok, there is a story that doesn't need to be written, but contains details that some of you might find interesting, and also, may serve to help others from what we learned. This will be long, so we suspect that many, in fact most of you...

We are delighted to announce the arrival of our first baby Eagle of 2017. 'Life' for this little character may have started 44 days ago when it emerged from its mother as an egg, but this is probably the moment that we have to consider as...

A huge happy new year to all of our followers! We hope you all enjoy peace, love and happiness in 2017. We just wanted to give you all an update on our baby Martial Eagle. The chick is doing well, and although the parents struggled to get...

We are delighted to announce the arrival of an eagerly awaited egg. This is one of our Martial Eagles today, in that most important and usually entirely unseen moment where she actually lays an egg. The quality of this video is not great - it is filmed...