
We thought you'd all like an update on our newest arrival. Mito, the female Kestrel is learning to hold her hover for a reward. Here she is, demonstrating her fantastic aerial skills on film. Mito is doing a little bit better every day, and will be an...

This year we have welcomed a new member to our flying team. Small, but perfectly formed, this is Mito, a female common Kestrel. This bird is a very dynamic flyer, with a lot of personality. She is now participating well on our experience days and flying demonstrations. She...

Marra, our White Tailed Sea Eagle takes on the roll of aerial wedding photographer. Here at Mar Lodge Estate she soars high above the bride and groom, capturing amazing footage of this stunning venue and it's happy guests. You too can have a magnificent aerial photographer at...

We have been privileged to attend Moy Highland Field Sports Fair again this year. We provided dynamic flying demonstrations in the main arena. All the birds performed exceptionally, but a real highlight for us was to fly Marra by the Loch after the event. Marra, our four...

Elite Falconry are delighted to be working for the R&A for the 2nd year running at the Open. Here at Troon our birds of prey have been keeping gulls at bay all week. This allows picnickers in the tented village to eat their meals knowing that they...

Here at Elite Falconry, we are very privileged to have a pair of beautiful Martial Eagles. These magnificent birds breed in the African summer, meaning that they approach the start of their breeding season just as all the other birds are finishing. With this in mind, after...

Ripley, our one year old African Fish Eagle is now an official member of the Elite Falconry Flying Film Crew. Here you can see her flying beautifully for our clients at a stunning venue this weekend. Ripley has been developing well over the last few months, and...

Elite Falconry runs a childrens wildlife club called Wildlife Warriors. Last year the Warriors built nest boxes for the local Blue Tits, and put them up in our small patch of woodland. This little project has been a massive success! We recently scaled the trees and checked the progress of...

We have been working hard recently to come up with a new HD camera rig for our smaller birds. Having got the rig almost perfect, we can now produce on board footage with a far wider range of species, and thus, in exciting new environments, including on...

We are delighted to say that we have successfully hatched our first two Great Grey Owl (strix nebulosa) eggs for this year. Great Grey Owls can be notoriously difficult to keep alive as chicks until they hit a 'safe' age at about 6 weeks old. So...